I've missed my house, my room, my bed, my TV, and most importantly, my dog Peyton. Here she is:
So, I've got a few things to share with you:
I found Graceling! In Spanish! A year after its release in the US, just a year! Now that is important. And of course, I bought it.

What I liked about it was that it's the same cover than the US one. It was the 1st thing I saw when entering the store, and I grabbed it and didn't let go.
I am officially opening a rehab centre for Bookaholics; it'll be called BBA (Bookaholics Blogging Anonymously). No joke.
I have a problem. I buy too many books, when I should be saving for college, and for my end of HS trip to Bariloche (google it. Beautiful city, right in my province).
I must have spent like 200-250 pesos in books this month! That is a lot.
Most of them were new, just one was used.
I got:
Graceling; VD: The Awakening, and The Struggle (just finished it); Nights in Rodanthe (lovely book, review is coming); Los Días Del Venado (can you believe I forgot it at my grandma's? noooo!!!); The Dog Walker (looks good, I read a similar book and loved it, so...); and a bunch more. (all of them in Spanish, it's hard to get your hands on books in English around here).
So, I thought "Maybe when I get back home I'll find something nice for me!".
Boy, was I dreaming!
I'm still (still!) waiting for my books and mail. My 1st win was Twenty Boy Summer, more than a month ago! This is certainly testing my patience. I thank my personal god for having other books to read while waiting.
Last Monday 20th was Friend's Day here in Argentina :o)
Sadly, I was out of town, and most of my friends were too, so we're getting together this Saturday!
Do you have a Friend's Day in your Country? Or sth similar?
It's a great day, really. We share meals, mates, cakes, presents..
And we get to spend the day with our lovely group of friends, my beautiful people, as I call them.
I just learned that the actress that played Victoria in Twilight won't be back for Eclipse (that character doesn't show up in New Moon)!

Anyway, I hate it when they do stuff like this! Changing actors is the worst move they can do. Remember when the wanted to change Taylor Lautner (Jacob) because Jacob's character's supposed to be bigger than he was in Twilight? Look at Taylor now, that's all I have to say (I still think he has a baby face, but that body...).
Ok, my BP (beautiful people), I'm going...
to bed!