(according to
Thanks to Sara for sending me a link to this!
Although, I do not agree with it on a 100%, this list is pretty accurate.
Going from the guys from the new
Vampire Diaries, passing through the Cullen family, and going to the old school vampires from
Interview with the Vampire, this list has them all.
(comments from me in
Brace yourselves.
This may come as a complete shock.
Vampires are sort of, what's the word,
in right now. I mean, if you haven't been living in Antarctica this past year, you may have noticed a very obvious trend. Remember way back in the day when every guy wanted to be Neo from The Matrix because he had that cool trench coat and could do sweet flips?
(LOL) Those days are long gone. Today it's all about fangs and an aversion to sunlight. Goth is back. Pale is the new tan.
And really, we shouldn't be all that surprised. Vampires are hot. They don't age. They look good in black. Some of them have inner-turmoil issues. Granted, they drink blood and that's kind of gross, but so are hot dogs and most of us love those. Who are we to judge?
Let's embrace this trend. Instead of rolling our eyes at the plethora of
Twilight memorabilia lining the walls of every store
(*rolling eyes*), let's take a moment and analyze why there is so much
Twilight memorabilia lining the walls of every store. And I'm not talking about dissecting the literary merits of the books (because what would I write about after the first paragraph?). Instead,
I want to focus purely on sex appeal (you know, what's
important). Costume and make-up designers work hard to create these gorgeous male bloodsuckers, and it's time to give them credit where credit is due. Here's a countdown of the greatest, most stunning, most please-bite-me-now creatures of the night ever. I'll tell you what works, what doesn't work, and why I want - no, need - to be alone in a dark alley with them.
20. Stuart Townsend as Lestat in Queen of the DamnedHe's no Edward Cullen. Stuart Townsend plays Lestat not with boyish good looks and designer sunglasses, but with very pale features, long hair, and incredibly intense eyes. In fact, they may be a little hypnotic. Anne Rice's Lestat is a bad ass. He's a killer. He's on the fringe of society, and unlike the soft and cuddly vampires we've become familiar with of late, he loves the taste of blood. I don't care how sweet and innocent the girl, Lestat will never go vegetarian. Costume designers and make-up artists have managed to combine the bad boy image with obvious sex appeal. In mesh tops, black leather pants, and tattoos, here is the vampire you should probably never invite inside, but hey, if mistakes happen, at least you know you'll die happy.And, if mesh tops and a lot of blood play just aren't your thing (to each her own), maybe you'll love his sexy French accent. There's something to be said about a guy who can roll his r's as well as Stuart Towsend.
(Boy, I have no idea who this Stuart is, but he looks good!)19. Paul Wesley as Stefan in The Vampire Diaries (OK, if it were up to me, Stefan would have been placed waaay up higher, say 3rd, 4th)
So the show is still very new, but it's only a matter of time before The Twilight crowd embraces Vampire Diaries (and despite all claims that Kevin Williamson's show is a rip-off, The Vampire Diaries' novels were around long before Twilight hit shelves). It strikes all the right notes: good looking bloodsuckers, forbidden romances, a high school setting, and pop music. And it's a little less wordy than Dawson's Creek, which is always a plus. I've seen the first episode and while Stefan may sort of resemble a vampire boy scout at present, he has a lot of potential. Paul Wesley is naturally gorgeous and has the tall, dark, and handsome thing down pat. Costume designers make him even more tantalizing in his designer jeans and tight fitting t-shirts, and while I wish he was a little bit less generic high school kid and more dark and mysterious
(to me he's as mysterious as a vampire can be), I'm not really complaining. He'll work perfectly for the target audience.
But here is the real test: to be quite honest, I thought the first episode was subpar. Despite this, I still might tune in if only to see the lovely Stefan spend twenty-two episodes stalking Elena.
(name ONE vampire who doesn't stalk.)18. Ethan Hawke as Edward in Daybreakers
The sole reason Ethan Hawke is being placed in spot eighteen is that Daybreakers hasn't reached theaters yet
(no wonder I didn't know of this film), so my knowledge of his vampire hotness is based entirely on the two minute and thirty second trailer. But man, after watching two minutes and thirty seconds of Ethan Hawke running around in classy suits with slicked back hair and occasional fangs, I am convinced that he could take over this list effortlessly. He dresses well. He has intense eyes. He looks like a vampire, but unlike other costume efforts, he doesn't scream creepy evil dead guy in desperate need of a little color in his wardrobe (I'm looking at you, Dracula, I'm looking at you). His pale make-up is subtle and realistic. I buy that he hasn't seen the sun in many, many years. He also manages to pull off conflicted and smart in every - admittedly - short clip I saw. I think what we are seeing here is the beginning of a layered, complex character that will make you sympathize with the vampire plight without the use of a human girl. What a crazy concept.
17. Aidan Turner as Mitchell in Being Human
While it may not be the most popular show in the States, it caused quite the stir in Britain. BBC's Being Human tells the story of a vampire, a werewolf, and a ghost living together, and lucky for us, Aidan Turner got the role of the resident vampire, John Mitchell. Like many of the vampires on this list, Mitchell is burdened with a conscience and abstains from drinking human blood. Despite this flaw (what can I say, I like bad boys), his Irish accent and scruffy good looks make him a pleasure to watch on screen. When his eyes go dark with blood lust, he manages to pull off both scary and totally sexy. And if you're into the tortured, broody guy, Mitchell's vampire past and subsequent guilt will keep you hooked. Definitely worth a drool or two.
16. Kellan Lutz as Emmett Cullen from Twilight
Some of you might say that I should have put Emmett higher on the list, but frankly, his character (thus far) bores me just a little.
(bores you? you wanna know what bores me? a 108-year-old -teen and virgin (riiight)- vampire who spends his days crying over his lost life, and refraining from kissing the girl he loves cause he's afraid he'll hurt her. come on, dude! we wanna see some action!) I mean, dude, it's okay to tell a joke once in awhile. It's not going to kill you because, well, for one, you're already dead. And you can't die twice. Unless your name is Buffy Summers.
(LOL for those who watched Buffy) But I digress. Apparently he gets much better in the rest of the series, but since I'm basing this solely on the first film, all you Twilight fans are just going to have to prove me wrong after New Moon comes out. Despite my personal feelings towards his character, even I can admit there's something to be said for golden eyes and dark features. And while he may not be the most talkative of the Cullens (yet), what he lacks in verbal capabilities, he makes up for in muscle and penetrating eyes. Plus, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't just a little bit jealous of his devotion to Rosalie. In the end, I think Emmett was just what the first Twilight film needed. While he may not be quite as passionate as Edward, his huge bulk and slightly intimidating nature added a splash of much appreciated darkness to the entire Cullen family.
15. Jason Patric as Michael from The Lost Boys
While today it may seem like Twilight coined the idea of vampire teenagers, The Lost Boys had Stephanie Meyer beat by more than a decade. In this pop culture phenomenon, Michael and Sam Emerson move to a coastal, Californian town with their recently divorced mother and quickly become entangled with the local vampire population. Things take a turn for the worse (or better, given the subject of this list) when Michael accidently drinks some vampire blood. Oops. Before you can say "Dracula," the once normal teenager is getting in touch with his inner bad boy. So what makes Jason Patric such a hot creature of the undead? Well, for one, he epitomizes the wonder that was eighties fashion. In tight jeans, white tennis shoes, and awesome sunglasses, this guy is hard to resist. Plus, even when he begins to exhibit vampire traits, you're still rooting for him. He manages to work the tragic hero angle very convincingly. Most importantly though, his dark hair and gorgeous blue eyes make Patric more than worthy of a second look.
(again, no idea who this is, and that pic definitely doesn't help him)14. Alex O'Loughlin as Mich St. John in Moonlight
You know, once in awhile it's nice to encounter a vampire who does something truly productive with his super strength, years of knowledge, and stunning good looks. Mick St. John is one such vampire. Instead of sitting around being all, "Oh man, it sucks that I love blood and have to stay young and beautiful forever," he made the choice to go out and seek redemption through helping the helpless, err, I know what you're thinking. This is sounding a lot like another vampire we all know and love who is a P.I. and helps the helpless for redemptive purposes. That other vampire aside, Mick's desire to do what's right, coupled with his ability to brood like nobody's business, makes him a very attractive undead American to watch.
(didn't this show only last a few episodes? I think I watched a couple...)13. Tom Cruise as Lestat de Lioncourt in Interview with a Vampire
Despite Tom's recent spout of craziness in the media, back when Interview with a Vampire came out he was pretty impressive playing the evil Lestat next to Brad Pitt's conflicted version of the vampire Louis. With pale features, long blonde hair, blood red lips, and a penchant for killing women in the throes of passion, he pretty much epitomizes everything you would expect of a vampire. And it's kind of awesome to watch. Sexy, evil, and totally insane, it's hard to take your eyes off of Tom whether he's reaping havoc with the little Kristen Dunst, burning to death, or popping up on the roof of a car completely unexpectedly. Reportedly, Anne Rice was extremely skeptical about having big named Tom Cruise play her famous and most well-known character, but through impressive acting, costume design, and make-up skill, he makes one of the most convincing and compelling vampires on this list. Kudos to you, Mr. Cruise.
12. Ian Somerhalder as Damon Salvatore in The Vampire Diaries
Ahh, Ian Somerhalder.
(ahhh is the right word) You were hot in
Young Americans when you dated that girl who looked like a guy. You were even hotter in
Rules of Attraction when you were in love with Dawson Leary (or somebody bearing his face) , and you were perfect in
Lost (except for your annoying sister, Shannon). Now you have snagged the role of the cooler, more attractive, probably more interesting, evil, undead brother of the title character in
Vampire Diaries. Good job. If I know my vampire shows - and I think I do - you'll probably get the girl in the end after the masses realize the good girl dating the good vampire is a bit tired (hey, don't doubt me. It's happened on Buffy and it is well on its way in True Blood ). Point being, if I were an insecure, high school girl, I would totally allow you to suck my blood. In fact, I'd probably allow you to suck my blood if I were a (semi)-mature, twenty-something-year-old who had - thank god - graduated high school. Which I am. Point being, I've only seen one episode of this show and I'm already rooting for the bad guy. Is it because of his gorgeous eyes? Sexy outfits? Perfect, chiseled features? Take your pick. Or better yet, embrace them all.
(although I never wanted Damon to end up with Elena, every time we got to see -or read- something sweet about him, it just made me feel sorry for him. -anyone saw epi Haunted last Thursday?- I'd have no problem inviting him in and comforting him. LOL)11. Gerard Butler as Dracula in Dracula 2000
It's not easy to be given the task of playing Dracula. He is the vampire of vampires. The Dark Prince. The Count. The Unholy Master. Choose your creepy nickname. Thankfully, Gerard Butler from Dracula 2000 did a remarkable job bringing Bram Stoker's original character to life. Sure, critics may argue that the movie was, um, subpar and that Dracula wasn't all that scary, but let's focus on what's truly important. I mean, when was scary the goal? That's right: never. The thing worth noting here is that Butler looks fantastic in black, has gorgeous, long dark hair and has fangs that seem well proportioned and perfect for drinking blood. What else does a vampire need? Besides, seeing Dracula in the modern world is a treat. With some tech savvy CGI effects and a plethora of cool vampire Matrix moves, Gerard Butler is both compelling and fun to watch in this title role.
(I look at that raised eyebrow, and all I can think about is:)
10. Stephen Moyer as Bill Compton in True Blood
He's our vampire with the heart of gold. Sure, there were some killing sprees in the past with his sire, but bygones, right? Those days are long behind him. Or, well, unless somebody threatens Sookie, but that's kind of romantic, right? Maybe? Not even a little? Okay, perhaps it's a little creepy. Nevertheless, Bill Compton has decided of his own devices to give up delicious human blood, live as a human in the South, and date the lovely Anna Paquin (in real life and in the show). What's more, he's done this all without the motivation of a pesky Gypsy curse. Wow. What a guy. With a Southern accent and a serious persona, Sookie falls head over heels for this bloodsucker and it's hard not to see why. Bill Compton is gorgeous and wonderfully old fashioned and even when he does something insanely stupid (such as resorting to his dark, killing ways) you kind of have to forgive him when he shrugs, takes out his Wii, and tells Sookie that, hey, that dude deserved to die. And he's probably right. From a costume and make-up perspective, I love how the designers here have decided to give him a slightly out-dated style. It highlights the fact that he has never fully let-go of his previous mortal life, and even when he's in a crowded room you can tell that there's just something not completely right. You know, like maybe he loves A-positive a little too much.
(really? what does Sookie see in him? he's the only one in this list who does look dead)9. Wesley Snipes as Blade in Blade
Okay, so he's not a "full" vampire (lame-o). Technically, he's half-human, but sort of like that hybrid baby in the forth Twilight book, he got all the vampire perks (super strength, heightened senses, immortality), and none of the very annoying set-backs (aversion to sunlight, fear of crosses, hatred of garlic). And he's kind of a bad ass. I mean, how many people do you know could take out a room full of vampires and look damn good doing it? Played by the awesome Wesley Snipes, Blade manages to instill total trust despite his huge frame and wicked fighting techniques. Further, costume designers have put him in lots of leather, given him some pretty hot looking shades, and (brace yourselves) equipped him with a cape. If I was going to be the sole person standing between the earth and it's take-over by the vampire population, I think I'd probably want a cape
(me too). Point being, here is a guy you definitely want on your side in any fight. And then, maybe if he has time after saving the world and everything, a few minutes alone in a dark room.
8. Jason Dohring as Josef Kostan in Moonlight
He might not have been the title character in Moonlight , but Jason Dohring playing good vampire Josef Kostan made quite the impression on me. Perhaps (read: certainly) this stems from my longtime love of the tragically canceled television show
Veronica Mars and, consequently, the character of Logan Echolls (played by Jason Dohring).
(Ahh, how I miss that show!) However, despite this admittedly blinding obsession, I think my choice stands strong. In Moonlight , Dohring plays a 400-year old vampire with remarkable ease and depth. Strutting around in expensive suits, living in luxurious mansions, and taking his pick of any girl he wants, Josef is probably the envy of most guys. And who can blame them? In the show, he comes off as suave, smart, and wonderfully sexy, so much so that he has a gaggle of girls just lining up to give him their blood. And guys, I think we can all agree that there's something to be said about a vampire who gets his blood handed to him not through hypnotic vampire tricks or hunting, but through money and good looks.
7. Brad Pitt as Louis de Pointe du Lac in Interview with a Vampire
When arguably the sexiest man in popular culture today buckles down to play a heartbreaking and conflicted vampire in Anne Rice's Interview with a Vampire , you better expect good things. And Brad Pitt definitely does not disappoint. With long, blonde hair, billowing white shirts, and a very tragic demeanor, Pitt brings the character of Louis de Pointe du Lac to life (or, rather, undead life) in this epic tale. Even though he's still sort of an evil guy (he is a vampire after all with perhaps the worst mentor ever - thanks a lot Lestat), his attempts to do what's right - however misguided - have you rooting for his success throughout the entire film. Perhaps the most tragic scene of the movie occurs when Louis realizes that a mistake he made led to Lestat turning an eight-year old girl. The repercussions both literally and figuratively haunt him throughout the rest of his existence, and through Brad Pitt's brilliant acting we see every single moment of pain played out on his face. While I'm still a little bit afraid of this struggling vampire, his perfect features, and amazingly hypnotic eyes make me want to curl up with him by a fire and tell him everything will be alright. Even though I'll probably be lying.
(is it just me, or does he look slightly cockeyed in this pic?)6. Keifer Sutherland as David in The Lost Boys
A vampire with a mullet? That's right. Who says vampires can't pick up on regrettable fashion trends? Keifer Sutherland introduces us to a whole new kind of the undead. In The Lost Boys , Sutherland plays the ring leader of a band of vampire misfits. His eighties style, manipulative nature, and bad boy image make him more than compelling to watch. And what's more, Sutherland's character David makes vampirism look fun . From a teenager's perspective, this is the life. He hangs out with tough looking guys, lives in Southern California, and has a bunch of hot women surrounding him. Is there anything better? Before he was saving the world from terrorists, nuclear disaster, and assassinations in 24, Keifer Sutherland was bedding virgins, turning innocents, and hanging out in carnivals. If there's a better life for a creature of the undead, I don't want to know about it.
5. David Boreanaz as Angel in Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel
Even though he was kind of a stalker in the first season, Angel made girls around the United States swoon - myself included. Apparently David Boreanaz was only meant to appear in a select few episodes of the first season, but the overwhelming support from fans not only caused Joss Whedon to keep him in the series, but motivated him to create a spin-off TV show entitled, Angel. And who can blame him? Not only does Angel have one of the all time epic forbidden romances with vampire slayer Buffy Summers, he kicks major ass. With billowing black coats, very gelled hair, and an incredibly chiseled face, Angel is sort of the perfect male specimen. And while some may gripe that he sometimes loses his soul when he achieves perfect happiness, his evil, soulless, counterpart is even more entertaining to watch. To start with, he wears leather pants on a regular basis and becomes ten times more snarky. It's not only fun to watch, it'll convince you that the bad guys probably do have a lot more fun.
(Angel, you'll always be my no. 1 <3)4. Antonio Banderas as Armand in Interview with a Vampire
There's something to be said for a vampire in a position of power. Antonio Banderas as Armand from Interview with a Vampire not only boasts a very sexy accent, but leads a cohort of likeminded evil vampires in Europe. Perhaps the most compelling facet of this character is Armand's general life philosophy. Unlike some of the more, err, whiny vampires in popular culture who have major blood issues, Armand boasts an existence without regret. He lives freely and passionately and his zest for life is infectious. With dark eyes and features, he plays an excellent counterpart to Brad Pitt's fairer features, while also balancing out Louis' rather depressing take on vampires. By the end of the movie I can safely say that if I had to spend an eternity with Lestat, Louis, or Armand, Armand would win hands down, every single time. He's sexy, fun, and doesn't spend quite as much time brooding, which, contrary to what seems to be vampire popular belief, is not as attractive as it may sound.
3. Alexander Skarsgard as Eric Northman in True Blood
Let's face it: Bill Compton may be good looking and chivalrous, but he's not terribly interesting, and unfortunately for Bill, Eric is really interesting. What does this mean? Well, if Alan Ball follows the books even remotely, Bill may be watching on the sidelines as Sookie runs into the very pale, very cold arms of one Mr. Eric Northman. And maybe it's my love for bad boys with layers, but I'm rooting for Eric on this one. I'd much rather see Sookie in a relationship with Eric than Bill. If nothing else, the fights would be much more entertaining, and the sex probably way hotter. I know there are a lot of Bill fans out there who are probably bubbling with rage right now, but c'mon. You can't be all that surprised, can you? Let me lay it down for you: on the one hand we have a whiney, questionable dresser, who plays Wii. On the other hand, we have a powerful, leather-wearing, club owning badass who can tell the other hand what to do. I think there is a very obvious and clear winner here.
2. Robert Pattinson as Edward Cullen in Twilight
Oh, Edward Cullen. Your penchant for stalking teenage girls and attending high school for all of eternity aside (dude, why ?), you are one good looking bloodsucker. Sure, the stirrings of your hotness were there when you played Cedric Diggory back at Hogwarts (R.I.P. friend), but I don't think any of us really appreciated the true beauty that is you until you stepped into the Forks cafeteria in Twilight. What I like about Robert Pattinson's appearance for this role (besides the obvious 'please-take-me-now' facet) is that he actually looks like a vampire. Unlike other high school vampire shows (I'm thinking of you, Vampire Diaries ), there is something simply too pretty about Edward Cullen. I mean, there is just no way somebody who looks like him is human. He has to be something more. Perhaps it's the golden, color-changing eyes, or the perfectly placed hair, or maybe the very pale skin and impossibly red lips, but it only takes one look to know that this guy is not a guy at all. He can't be. To conclude, I guess it's not at all surprising that Bella falls in love with him in about 2.5 seconds (give or take). I mean, wouldn't you?
(this pic does not favour him, at all)1. James Marsters as Spike in Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel
Well, we've come to the end of the list and I know what you're all thinking. "Dude, really?" I mean, those of you who have seen Buffy know exactly what I'm talking about, but to some...this might be a mystery. He has bleached blonde hair, you may say, and wears red and black together which is not only a vampire cliché, but looks horrendous. Why does he get to be number one? Allow me to tell you: for one, he has a British accent and not just any British accent. It's a cockney British accent. If you don't think this is hot, you simply need to hear him say "bugger" and "bloody" a few times. It's awesome. Two, the character of Spike is really funny. This is an incredibly rare trait in a vampire and I don't know about you guys, but a guy who can make me laugh gets major points. Three, he's love's bitch. His words, not mine. Spike is man enough to admit that when it comes to love, he pretty much let's himself be taken over by it. We see this consistently throughout the show, whether it's his total and complete devotion to the very weak vampire Drusilla in the first two seasons (he nearly kills himself to save her), or his quest to obtain a soul to prove himself worthy of Buffy in season six. When this guy falls in love, he falls all the way in. Finally, he's ridiculously handsome. Not only does he have one of the most chiseled bodies I've ever seen, he has amazing blue eyes and very defined cheek bones. And while his style isn't exactly what'd I'd seek out on a normal day of vampire watching, William the Bloody makes it work for him. The Billy Idol, punk rock persona adds a level of vampire uniqueness that is greatly appreciated in a world of brooding, old-fashioned bloodsuckers. In the end, Spike can suck my blood any day of the week.
(this is not a list of my creation, this is just something i wanted to share with you, i could've posted a link but i was bored, and then i was almost done, so why not finish it. you can find the original post here.)Ella's Top 5:#5: Edward Cullen. Yep. He may be creepy, but he'd do anything for the girl he loves.
#4: Bill Compton. Although I'm not attracted to the guy, I'd be marrying him just for the fact that he'd kill someone just to keep me safe.
#3: Stefan Salvatore. #paulwesleysabs. Ain't no thing
#2: Damon Salvatore. I just love bad guys, and to have Ian play him is just ah-mazing
#1: Angel. I've been in love with him since I first saw him in Buffy, and then in Angel. Who doesn't love a guy who wears leather and looks good in it?
Who made it to your top 5?