May 23, 2009

Today's Book: Let's All Kill Constance

I just finished reading
"Let's All Kill Constance" by Ray Bradbury, and let me tell you that I loved it. It's just the kind of book I like to read, mysterious, addictive, with a touch of black humour.

"Let's All Kill Constance" tells the story from the narrator's POV (RB himself?), in which one stormy night, aging-Hollywood actress Constance Rattigan, knocks on his door and hands him over two Death Lists, with the names of once-famous people, most of them dead, and others marked with a red circle and a cross signaling that Death is coming for them. After this, Constance mysteriously disappears, leaving this unnamed man alone to solve the riddle. He goes to his friend Elmo Crumley and asks him to help him.
The narrator and his friend begin the quest to find Constance, visiting the people from the Death Lists -who, shortly after their visit die under strange circumstances- and help her deafeat Death. Along the journey, they are joined by blind man Henry and film director, Fritz Wong.

Intriguing and disturbing, this mystery novel will make you want to read it in just one sitting.

I thought this book was :) NICE!

Click here to read my review of another of RB's books Dandelion Wine.
(This book was on my list for my Reading Challenges)

greetings from the dark road,

0 monkey thought (s):

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