Jun 18, 2011

The question of the moment: What IS Pottermore?

HP diehard fans -like myself- have been wondering this for days now. What exactly IS Pottermore? I'll let youtuber ratsrox explain what the rumours are so far:

In the video, the countdown is 6 days, etc., etc. Right now, that countdown is set to 4 days, 20 hours, etc., etc.

If you go to the pottermore.com page and click on the owl, like is explained on the video, you'll be taken to a YT page like this one above. There in the dooblie-doo, it says, "The owls are gathering... find out why soon."

So, we can only guess and (impatiently) wait, until JKR announces something that is sure to change us fans's lives, and I'm not exagerating.

You can follow Pottermore on Facebook and visit its website.

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