Oct 3, 2010

Pretties, by Scott Westerfeld

Release Date: 2005
Age Group: Young Adult
Pages: 384
Overall: 4 Monkeys
Source: Bought
Interest: Series
Other Titles in the Series: Uglies (Uglies Trilogy, Book 1), Specials (Uglies Trilogy, Book 3), Extras (Uglies Trilogy, Book 4)
Other Titles Reviewed in TCM: Uglies (Uglies Trilogy, Book 1)

Summary from Goodreads: 
Gorgeous. Popular. Perfect. Perfectly wrong.

Tally has finally become pretty. Now her looks are beyond perfect, her clothes are awesome, her boyfriend is totally hot, and she's completely popular. It's everything she's ever wanted.

But beneath all the fun -- the nonstop parties, the high-tech luxury, the total freedom -- is a nagging sense that something's wrong. Something important. Then a message from Tally's ugly past arrives. Reading it, Tally remembers what's wrong with pretty life, and the fun stops cold.

Now she has to choose between fighting to forget what she knows and fighting for her life -- because the authorities don't intend to let anyone with this information survive.
My Opinion:

Another great book by Scott Westerfeld. Now I feel bad I've only read two of his books, I'll have to read the rest! 
His way of narrating in the third person is amazing, sucks you right into the story. 

At the end of Uglies, we're left hanging knowing that Tally is going to turn herself in so she can become Pretty and be able to try the experimental cure Maddy, David's mother, has invented.

So, this book begins by telling us how much Tally's changed. The only thing I kept thinking was, "Please, let her go back to normal. She's got to go back to David!" But, oh oh, a new guy appears, named Zane. 

Now, if you read this book you'll know what I mean. Zane is great and all, he's definitely charming and he's fallen in love with Tally (how much of that is true, and how much is only there because of his perfect mind, I don't know) but I still want her to end up with David. It felt more real when I read about the two of them, than when I read about Zane and Tally kissing, trying to keep a clear mind.

First part of the book was kind of slow, the middle part began to pick up the pace and the last part was amazing. We're left with yet another awesome cliffhanger, which was kind of obvious to me, given the next book's title.

I can't wait to see how Tally manages to get out of that.

0 monkey thought (s):

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